

The validator is a crucial component in the Thets network, responsible for two key tasks: initiating web requests and verifying web transactions. Its flexible design accommodates various implementations to adapt to the network's evolving architecture.

Initially, the validator functions as a single, centralized entity overseeing all transactions. As the network progresses, a decentralized committee of validators will be introduced, utilizing a consensus mechanism to manage data transfer sessions. This evolution will enhance both decentralization and security within the Thets ecosystem.

Data Security and Transaction Verification

In managing web transactions, the Thets validator employs a set of unique keys to establish secure TLS connections, selecting the appropriate cipher suites for communication with target web servers. All traffic used to validate a node's reputation within the network is encrypted using algorithms supported by the target web server.

For session management, the validator creates and securely stores pre-master, master, and session keys, which are crucial for evaluating traffic quality from network nodes. Once the data is validated, the validator forwards it to the Proof Processor to generate proofs for each node's session data. These proofs are then batched and recorded on the blockchain. This process ensures that all data within Thets is tamper-proof and accurately traces its lineage.


In the current setup, the Thets validator operates independently and must adhere to its own security protocols, as it does not derive security from any underlying Layer 1 (L1) blockchain. If the validator experiences downtime, network users have the option to submit session data directly to the L1 for settlement.

Future enhancements will introduce a series of economically collateralized validators, providing robust security guarantees. This decentralized approach will prevent any single actor from exerting undue influence over transactions within the Thets network, ensuring greater security and reliability.

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