
The Thets tokenomics are designed to ensure a fair distribution and sustainable growth of the network. Here’s a detailed breakdown:


  • Total Tokens Allocated: 112,000,000 Thets

  • Percentage of Total Supply: 53.28%

  • Purpose: These tokens are allocated for the public sale and liquidity, ensuring sufficient availability of tokens for early supporters and liquidity providers.

Team & Advisors

  • Total Tokens Allocated: 4,200,000 Thets

  • Percentage of Total Supply: 2%

  • Purpose: Allocated to the team and advisors who have contributed to the development and strategic guidance of the Thets project.

  • Token Lockup: All tokens in this allocation are locked for a period of 24 months to align the interests of the team with the long-term success of the project.

Community Allocation

The community allocation is a significant part of Thets' tokenomics, aimed at fostering network growth, incentivizing participation, and building a robust community. Here is a detailed breakdown:

  • Total Tokens Allocated: 94,000,000 Thets

  • Percentage of Total Supply: 44.72%

Breakdown of Community Allocation

  1. Staking Rewards

    • Total Tokens Allocated: 28,200,000 Thets

    • Percentage of Community Allocation: 30%

    • Purpose: These tokens are designated for rewarding users who stake their Thets tokens. Staking helps secure the network and provides participants with incentives to hold and support Thets over the long term.

    • Release Schedule: Tokens will be released gradually over 48 months to provide continuous incentives and ensure ongoing network security.

  1. Node Operator Rewards

    • Total Tokens Allocated: 47,000,000 Thets

    • Percentage of Community Allocation: 50%

    • Purpose: These tokens are used to reward active community members who operate nodes, contributing to the network's stability and performance. Rewards are given for maintaining network uptime, relaying traffic, and other node-related activities.

    • Release Schedule: Tokens will be unlocked based on achieving specific node operation milestones. This ensures that rewards are distributed fairly and in line with community growth and participation.

  1. Development Grants

    • Total Tokens Allocated: 9,400,000 Thets

    • Percentage of Community Allocation: 10%

    • Purpose: These tokens are allocated to fund community-driven projects, development initiatives, and other proposals that contribute to the Thets ecosystem. Development grants aim to encourage innovation and expand the functionality of the network.

    • Release Schedule: Tokens will be distributed through a grant application process where projects are evaluated and approved by the community or a governing body. This ensures that funds are allocated to impactful and promising projects.

  1. Marketing and Partnerships

    • Total Tokens Allocated: 9,400,000 Thets

    • Percentage of Community Allocation: 10%

    • Purpose: These tokens are set aside for marketing efforts, strategic partnerships, and collaborations that help increase the visibility and adoption of Thets. This includes campaigns, sponsorships, and other promotional activities.

    • Release Schedule: Tokens will be used as needed to support ongoing marketing initiatives and form strategic alliances, ensuring that the network continues to grow and attract new users.

Summary of Community Allocation

  • Staking Rewards: 28,200,000 Thets (30%)

  • Node Operator Rewards: 47,000,000 Thets (50%)

  • Development Grants: 9,400,000 Thets (10%)

  • Marketing and Partnerships: 9,400,000 Thets (10%)

Token Lockup and Release Schedule

To maintain the integrity and stability of the Thets token economy, tokens allocated outside of the presale are subject to a strict lockup and release schedule:

  1. Team & Advisors:

  • Lockup Period: 24 months

  • Vesting: Tokens will vest linearly each month after the initial lockup period.

  1. Community Allocation:

  • Staking Rewards

Lockup Period: Tokens are locked and will be released gradually over 48 months to incentivize ongoing participation.

  • Node Operator Rewards

Lockup Period: Tokens will be unlocked based on node operation milestones and will be released in stages to ensure they are used for genuine community-building activities.

Total Supply

Total Supply: 210,000,000 Thets

Key Points:

  • Fair Distribution: The token distribution is designed to ensure a balanced and fair allocation across various stakeholders.

  • Incentivized Participation: Lockup periods and vesting schedules are implemented to incentivize long-term commitment and participation in the Thets network.

  • Support for Innovation: Development grants encourage community-driven projects and innovation within the ecosystem, helping to expand Thets' functionality and use cases.

  • Growth and Adoption: Marketing and partnership tokens are used to increase the visibility and adoption of Thets, attracting new users and forming strategic alliances.

By structuring the community allocation in this way, Thets aims to build a vibrant, engaged, and sustainable community that drives the network's long-term success.

Last updated